I would never describe myself as a 'domestic diva'.
Unlike our friend June, I have a very hard time keeping my house clean.
There are always dishes in my sink, or laundry that is waiting to be folded and put away. Toys are always strewn across the floor, even though I swore I just tidied up that very spot only moments ago. The central vac is pulled out daily as I drag it all around the kitchen floor in my vain attempt to suck up all of the crumbs the family has left behind from the previous meal (really, do we get anything in our mouths?!?). I wash the floors when our feet start to stick, and the bathrooms get cleaned once a week whether they need it or not. I try to cook a decent meal most nights and over the years, my cooking skills have improved.
As I attempt to cross off all my chores from the 'to do list' I try to spend spend quality time with 'Big' playing a variety of make believe games that include, but are not limited to:
- Star Wars
- Spiderman
- BatMan
- lego
- reading
And in between my adventures with the Caped Crusader and Robin or Han Solo and Luke, I try to engage, nuture and interact with my 8 month old baby.
Every once in a while though, I hit my stride. I get it all done. I clean the house, I play with the kids, I participate in my community and get a kick ass meal on the table. On the occasions that I manage to pull it all together I give myself a pat on the back, open up a bottle of red wine and settle into the couch and indulge in a little me time.
Unfortunately, today was not one of those days! Maybe I will have better luck tomorrow.
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