Monday, April 19, 2010

Are we there yet?

Welcome to my blog.

Like you, I find myself looking for a space to call my own. Somewhere to share my thoughts, experiences and observations of the world around me. What better place to do that then here? I used to write a few years ago, and found the exercise theraputic; I hope that will continue to be the experience.

I am sure I will also use these pages to rant and rave over the frustrations of daily life. Please forgive me if all too often these posts bear the frustrations, joys and challenges that come with being the mother of 2 boys ('Big' is 41/2 and 'Little' is 8 months old). However, if you are a mom or dad reading this, then you already get it!

I decided to name my blog 'Are we there yet?' . 'Big' has started to ask that very question every time we get in the car, and as frustrating as it can be to hear it constantly shouted from the backseat, it really is a great question. We are all trying to reach a destination. Sometimes it's as simple and direct as a drive to grandma's house. Other times (and more often for me) it's the question I ask everytime I embark on a new venture and I see my goal or destination and I just want to get there. As I continue to my personal journey on the road of life and find myself smack dab in the middle of parenthood-I think the title is fitting!

So strap on your helmets, buckle up and enjoy the ride!


  1. Helmet on, buckled in and ready for lift off!
    Ground control to Major Tom! xo

  2. Can't wait to watch your blog unfold - my boys are 6 and 2 1/2 and life just never seems to stop!

  3. Yay! Another new mom blogger to join the ranks!I don't know about you, but it's almost intimidating starting up.. so many amazing blogs out there. I see, however, that you possess a edge up in my books. :)

  4. Thanks Shauna & Welcome! What I am struggling with is trying to figure out how to add all the cool bells and whistles to my pages that all these smart, fancy women have already figured out! Since I already suffer from verbal diarrhea, I figure I've got the content covered! As for the lightsaber, my 4 year old bestowed it to me. He also gave me my first cape! Happy Blogging :)
